
Moon Phase Module For Your Website or Blog

This version of the moon phase module has been discontinued.
Please use this version instead.

To embed this moon phases module into your website:

Just use the easy form below. You can customize the module by changing any of the fields, or you can simply click the "Preview Module / Show HTML" button to use all the defaults. The HTML code to use will appear beneath the button. Highlight all the HTML, copy it, and then paste it directly into the HTML of your webpage.

Before you can use the form, you'll need to register below (it's fast and free). Registration enables me to notify you of any critical updates to the module as well as manage my resources for this project.

If you want to avoid using Flash (and the associated "play" button) or Javascript, try this version.

Questions? Be sure to read the Notes sections below!

Vertical    Horizontal
Vertical Horizontal
Date Format:

Use a slash "/" delimeter
Current Time Display:

Show seconds
Default View From:
  Background Color:
#  Pick Color
  Moon Color Tint:
#  Pick Color
  Outer Border Color:
#  Pick Color
  Inner Border Color:
#  Pick Color
  Text Color:
#  Pick Color
Include Heading
   Heading Color:
 #  Pick Color
Option 1: Check this box only if your webhost does not allow Javascript OR if the module is not displaying correctly. (Still not working? See Notes below.)
Option 2: Check this box if you will be using the module on MySpace.

I have read and agree to the Copyright/Terms of Use as follows:
Current Moon Phase Module Copyright/Terms of Use - .




Other "Current Moon" Options: If you do not have a website or blog, or you simply want to have the current moon phase handy for your own use, our iGoogle Moon Gadget may be just what you are looking for. You can also view the "current moon" on our Facebook app. You could also bookmark this Moon Phases Calendar or the Current Moon Phase page.

YOUR Time Zone: The moon module uses your computer clock for the moon calculations, so it is preset for YOUR time zone (or the time zone of the person viewing it). The moon phase calculation is accurate -- if the calculation seems wrong, please check YOUR computer system time. For Windows users, you can check your settings by double clicking the time at the bottom right of your computer screen.

Cannot See The Moon? (blank area with a red "X" or a red-blue-green colored icon) The center portion of the module that shows the moon and data is a Flash file. If you cannot see it, then you need to install Flash Player in your web browser (visit If that does not fix it, or if you already have Flash Player (meaning, it should be working), then you might try completely uninstalling Flash Player, and then installing again. NOTE: Apple's mobile devices (iPhone, iPad) do not support Flash technology (use this instead).

Not Showing Up On Your Site? FIRST, be sure you have copied all the code exactly as provided. SECOND, check that your webhost allows the use of Javascript or Flash; they have to allow at least one or the module will NOT work. Check the "No Javascript" checkbox above to experiment with that option. THIRD, your website editing tool/builder might be altering the code. Find a way to paste the module code directly into the source HTML of the page to minimize the chances of this happening.

MySpace Tips: Before copying the code above, be sure to check the MySpace usage box ("Option 2"). Where to add the module? Try the "About Me" section: on your main editing or user home page, click "Edit Profile". Place the code within any of the text boxes (ie, "About Me", "Interests").

WordPress Tips: First try the default options above. If it is not working, then try the Option 1 checkbox to forego the use of Javascript.

Blogger Tips: Click the "Layout" tab, then "Page Elements" if you aren't already there. Click "Add a Gadget", and in the popup window, choose the "HTML/Javascript" gadget or the "Text" gadget. Paste the module code in the Content box and click Save.

Joomla Tips: Temporarily disabling the code editor will allow you to work with raw HTML. Simply go to user manager and select "No Editor/No WYSIWYG Editor" for the user that you are using. Paste the moon module code into the HTML, preview/test it, then return to your previous settings. Another idea is to create a new, super administrator user with the No Editor settings and log in with that user whenever you need to deal with raw HTML. Another solution: try a Joomla extension. Visit, click Extensions, and search for "Mod_HTML". It was originally intended for Google Adsense code, but it works for any javascript code blocks such as this moon module.

Module Shows "Q" And Question Mark: If the module area displays a "Q" with a question mark ("?") instead of the moon and data, there is a QuickTime conflict. QuickTime is the movie player from Apple, and it sometimes tries to handle Flash content instead of the Flash Player. The general solution is to disallow QuickTime from handling Flash. Do this in the advanced preferences area. A few specific things to try: Option 1) Inside the advanced area of QuickTime preferences, uncheck the "enable flash" preference, then restart your web browser. Option 2) Inside the Quicktime Control Panel, click the "Browser" tab (for QT 6 or older, choose "Browser Plug-in" from the menu). Then click the "Mime Settings" button and uncheck "Flash media" or "Flash file" within the "Miscellaneous" heading. Restart your web browser. Option 3) Navigate to the Outpost>Tracks area of preferences and disable Flash handling there.

Tweaking Appearance: If you understand HTML and/or CSS, you are allowed to make minor style edits to the appearance of the current moon phase module. However, the "moon phases" text link must remain intact and unchanged. Any other links pointing to must also remain. Also, you cannot download the source files (code, images, etc) and host them on your domain; they must remain on Contact us if you have any questions or requests.

Unresolved Problems: If nothing seems to work, please try the image-based moon module version here, which does not use Flash or Javascript, which is sometimes restricted or not supported.